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Speed Coach GPS2 - with Training Pack and Heart Rate

Speed Coach GPS2 - with Training Pack and Heart Rate




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SpeedCoach GPS - Model 2

Rowing's most popular performance monitor, the SpeedCoach GPS 2, offers athletes critical information about boat speed (split), stroke rate, distance, and time. Use by itself in GPS mode or connect to an impeller (impeller and wiring sold separately) for additional accuracy in moving water. Add the optional Training Pack features to program any workout ahead of time, start and record pieces without letting go of the oar handle and upload the data wirelessly to a computer or mobile device. The SpeedCoach GPS with Training Pack supports the EmPower Oarlock and is the central component of NK’s connected rowing environment.

  • Overview

    SpeedCoach GPS 2

    Train Smarter. Race Better.
    Whether you’re training for international competition or preparing for your first race, the SpeedCoach GPS 2 is the perfect piece of equipment to have in your boat.

    Use it by itself or add the Training Pack to program workouts, track your progress over time and make your SpeedCoach GPS 2 compatible with a heart rate monitor or EmPower Oarlock.

    Features For Athletes & Coaches

     Available only with upgrade purchase of the SpeedCoach GPS 2 Training Pack


    For Athletes

    • Real-Time Feedback

      Stay engaged for your whole workout with stroke-by-stroke updates on speed, rate, distance and time.

    • High-Contrast Display

      Early morning practice? Midday race? See your numbers clearly at any time during the day with the easy-to-use backlight and high-contrast display.

    • Custom Pre-Set Workouts 

      Make the most of your time on the water: complete even the most complex workouts without stopping to reset the timer or manage your data.

    • Post-Row Analysis 

      Upload data directly to your computer or mobile device to track your progress over time.

    • Bluetooth Heart Rate 

      Take your Heart Rate Training regimen to the water with the only Bluetooth-capable speed meter available.

    • Free Updates

      Take advantage of all the latest SpeedCoach GPS 2 capabilities with regular, free firmware updates.


    • Neatly-Packaged Data 

      Find the boat-movers without relying on erg scores. Add the SpeedCoach Training Pack to summarize data from timed pieces.

    • Objective Performance Gains

      Track your crew’s improvement objectively over the course of a season, or from year to year.

    • Low-Maintenance Fleet Management

      Manage multiple crews more easily on the water. When your athletes have access to rate, time, distance and split, you can give them the workout and let them execute it on their own.

    • Wireless Splits

      Give any athlete from coxswain to bow-seat SpeedCoach access with wireless GPS capability.

    • Precision In Moving Water

      Collect the most accurate speed data possible—even while rowing in current—with the low-profile impeller.

    • Bias-Free Athlete Selection

      Set clear goals for your athletes and make lineup selection more transparent.

    SpeedCoach GPS 2 with


    Take your training to the next level with the Training Pack for SpeedCoach GPS 2. The Training Pack software adds programmable workouts, detailed on-unit recall, heart rate monitor and EmPower Oarlock compatibility, and wireless data transfer via LiNK™.

    Programmable Workouts

    Get the most out of your time on the water with programmable workouts. Use the five editable workouts that come with Training Pack, or write your own. Time trials, distance intervals, pyramids, ladders—set up even the most complex practice plans ahead of time so that all you have to do on the water is select your workout and go.

    Transfer Data Wirelessly

    Transfer data, organized by piece or by 100m intervals, via LiNK to your PC or Mac for Review. Export Data as a CSV file to Excel for more detailed analysis and charting options, or as a FIT file to use with third-party training websites such as Endomondo, Strava, or Training Peaks. Map your course, share your results with friends and coaches on Facebook or Twitter, or even challenge your teammates.

    Pair A Heart Rate Monitor

    Training Pack makes the SpeedCoach GPS 2 compatible with any Bluetooth® low energy (also called Bluetooth 4.0 or BLE) heart rate monitor. Heart rate data is incorporated into the data you upload from your workout.

    Pair An Empower Oarlock

    Training Pack makes the SpeedCoach GPS 2 compatible with the EmPower Oarlock for both sweep rowing and sculling. Oarlock data is incorporated into the data you upload from your workout, and can be used simultaneously with a heart rate monitor.

    Log & Track Your Performance with LiNK

    Expand the performance improving capabilities of the SpeedCoach GPS platform. LiNK includes Bluetooth® low energy wireless connectivity to heart rate belts, sensors, phones, tablets, PCs (dongle required) and Macs (dongle required) as well as cloud connectivity, web analytics and real-time tracking via third-party training apps.

    Download LiNK for Windows or LiNK for Mac OS X

    • 1

      Wirelessly transfer 'just go' and workout interval data to PC or Mac for viewing and storage

    • 2

      Export data to charting and analysis programs, such as Excel, via CSV.

    • 3

      Export data to FIT file format to enable transfer to any FIT-compatible third-party websites, such as Endomondo or Strava

    SpeedCoach GPS 2 is


    The SpeedCoach GPS is compatible with our SpeedCoach Impeller (sold separately). Training with an impeller has been the gold standard for rowing for years, especially for teams that train on moving water. Impeller speed measures the movement of the boat relative to the water, while GPS speed measures the movement of the boat relative to the ground. This can be a powerful training tool and a great way to learn more about your paddling. To get started training with an impeller you will need the SpeedCoach Impeller WiringWireless Angle Bracket Mount, and SpeedCoach Impeller.

    If you are interested, we wrote a blog post highlighting the differences of impeller speed versus GPS speed.

    Reviews & Testimonials

    • Steve T.

      “I am delighted with the product and use both the speed and heart monitor to push like hell.”

    • Red P.

      “If it wasn't for the Speedcoach to begin with I wouldn't be [anywhere] near where I am at in regards to the competitive scene."

    • Bill E.

      “I'm amazed that your GPS is so accurate— +/- one meter is astounding!”

    • Jim L.

      “Great piece of equipment for data driven coaches!»

    Speed Matters. Stroke Counts. Buy Now.

    Train smarter, improve your performance and stay fit with this full-featured rowing performance monitor designed to maximize your training effectiveness. The SpeedCoach GPS 2 is designed and built in the USA and comes with a 2-year warranty.

    GPS SPEED    
    500M SPLIT    

    SpeedCoach GPS 2







  • Specifications

    Included in Package
    • 110 Volt US Charger
    • Carry Pouch
    • Lanyard
    • NK Life Preserver Float
    • Quick-Wrap Mounting Strap
    • Rechargeable lithium-polymer Battery
    • SpeedCoach GPS Model 2
    • SpeedCoach GPS Protective Bumper
    Water Resistance Waterproof (IP67, NEMA-6).
    Memory 18 hours of memory. Approx. 125 2000m workouts, or 55 5000m workouts.
    Programmable Workouts Program any interval workout in seconds. Store up to six editable workouts. Data recall tied to interval lengths for precisely summarized time-trial pieces.
    Wireless Data Transmit/Receive Wirelessly transfer JustGo and workout interval data to PC, Mac, iOS, and Android for viewing and storage. (Training Pack only)
    Data Transfer
    • Transfer data via LiNK for Windows or OS X to your computer or the NK LiNK app for iOS or Android for interval review.
    • Export data as a CSV file to Excel or a FIT file for your 3rd party training sitefor more detailed analysis and charting
    Control Unit Weight 5.3 oz (150 g) with bumper
    Unit Weight 7.2 oz with quick-wrap mount
    Display Dimensions 3.6 x 2.6 x 1.2 in (92 x 67 x 31 mm)
    Buoyancy Does Not Float ( Use NK foam float.)
    Display High contrast, sunlight readable monochrome liquid crystal display with 400 x 240 resolution and large, clear numerals.
    Backlight LED backlight illuminates the display in low-light conditions and triggers automatically when needed.
    Controls Four soft-touch buttons, large primary start/stop/clear button.
    Battery Type One rechargeable Lithium-Poly battery provides up to 8 hours of battery life (backlight dependent).
    Battery Life Expectancy Battery can be expected to last 300 full charge/discharge cycles. The expected cycles increase greatly for partial charge/discharge. After 300 cycles, expected capacity is 80% of original.
    Power Conservation Auto-off after 8 minutes of inactivity (no button presses or movement).
    Case Impact-resistant polycarbonate case with sealed acrylic window. Sun and saltwater resistant. Full wraparound protection with rubber bumpers in choice of colors.
    Warranty Period 2 Year Warranty
    Metric Units Range Notes
    Average Split/Speed GPS 00:00.00 0 - 00:00.00 Rolling Average
    Average Split/Speed Impeller 00:00.00 0 - 00:00.00 Rolling Average
    Average Stroke Rate 000 ½   Total strokes/total time
    Cumulative Splits 00:00.00 0 - 00:00.00 Elapsed time
    Distance per Stroke GPS 000.00 0-0000.0 Updates per stroke, (total distance - last total distance)
    Distance per Stroke Impeller 000.00 0-0000.0 Updates per stroke, (total distance - last total distance)
    Instantaneous Split/Speed GPS 00:00.00 0 - 00:00.00 Speed over land averaged and updated every stroke. GPS speed smoothing from 1-stroke to 8-strokes
    Instantaneous Split/Speed Impeller 00:00.00 0 - 00:00.00 impeller mode averaged and updated every stroke
    Stroke Count 0 0 - 999 Count input from accelerometer, autostart with first stroke, auto rollover
    Stroke Rate 000 ½ 6 - 99 1/2 Rate input from accelerometer, auto start with first stroke
    Time of Day 00:00.00   12 or 24 hour clock
    Total Distance GPS 000.00 0-0000.0 Meters, kilometers, or statute miles
    Total Distance Impeller 000.00 0-0000.0 Meters, kilometers, or statute miles
  • Connectivity

    LiNK Wireless

    LiNK is NK’s connected environment which greatly expands performance and improves capabilities of the NK LiNK Wireless platform. The LiNK environment will include Bluetooth® low energy wireless connectivity to heart rate belts, sensors, phones, tablets, PC’s (dongle required) and Macs (dongle required) as well as cloud connectivity, web analytics and real-time tracking via apps. LiNK Logbook (mobile only) features include:


    • Pair with your NK device using Data LiNK mode to import session memory to your secure account.


    • Quickly find and select sessions from the calendar view.
    • Review your course overlayed on a map.
    • Check boat metrics for any or all of the session.
    • Get a clear understanding of your rowing style by viewing your stroke profile.


    • Pair with your NK device using Live Stream mode.
    • Keep the paired phone and NK device together on the water while training or racing.


    • Coaches, family, friends and spectators can view your location on the map viewer. Just scan the map viewer or boat list to locate any streaming boat.


    • Coaches can view real-time location and performance measurements during workouts in order to provide more effective feedback. All performance measurements in the SpeedCoach/CoxBox GPS are available in the live viewer, so coaches can select which measurements to monitor during each session.


    • Spectators and coaches can view real-time position and performance measurements during an event (please check with the regatta officials regarding the legality of cell phone use during a race). With all entries streaming their data, spectators can see who's ahead by how much - all in real-time! Note: Bluetooth® low energy products will NOT work with ANT+ heart rate belts. Bluetooth® low energy belts are compatible with all iOS fitness tracking apps.

    NK offers LiNK programs for Windows and OS X/MacOS, which require the use of a NK Bluetooth Low Energy USB Dongle to provide compatible Bluetooth support. LiNK for Windows and OS X only provide a way to upload your data for export as a CSV or FIT file. We encourage using the NK LiNK Logbook app for iOS and Android, which allows you to upload, stream and review all the data in one spot without having to export to a 3rd party platform.

    Learn More about LiNK Get LiNK Now!
    LiNK for Windows

     NK LiNK For Windows   (Size: 11.8 MB)

    NK LiNK version 1.32 for Windows

    LiNK for OSX

     NK LiNK For OS X   (Size: 12.1 MB)

    LiNK Version 1.32 for OS X

    LiNK Logbook for iOS

    NK LiNK Logbook for iOS  

    Use the NK LiNK Logbook app to view your workout data on an iOS device.

    LiNK Logbook for Android

    NK LiNK Logbook for Android  

    Use the NK LiNK Logbook app to view your workout data on an Android device.

  • Downloads

    LiNK (NKSports)

     Bluetooth Dongle Help   (Size: 5 MB)


     How to export from NK LiNK app to iOS and Android   (Size: 268.7 KB)


     NK LiNK Change Log   (Size: 413.4 KB)

    a detail listing of all changes made to the NK LiNK software


     NK LiNK For OS X   (Size: 12.1 MB)

    LiNK Version 1.32 for OS X


     NK LiNK For Windows   (Size: 11.8 MB)

    NK LiNK version 1.32 for Windows


    NK LiNK Logbook for Android  

    Use the NK LiNK Logbook app to view your workout data on an Android device.


    NK LiNK Logbook for iOS  

    Use the NK LiNK Logbook app to view your workout data on an iOS device.


    SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Troubleshooting Documents

     Comparison of SPC Model 2 Units   (Size: 198.9 KB)

    Comparison of SpeedCoach Model 2 Units: Rowing vs SUP vs OC


    SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Downloads

     MSDS for SpeedCoach GPS Lithium Ion Batteries   (Size: 140.7 KB)

    Material Data Safety Sheet for the Lithium Ion battery used in a SpeedCoach GPS/SUP/OC unit


     Rowing Workout files   (Size: 38.2 KB)

    Example of exported CSV file from SpeedCoach Model 2. Does not include oarlock data.


     SpeedCoach Firmware Updates   (Size: 125.6 KB)

    Release notes for SpeedCoach GPS, SUP & OC (Version 2.22) - 10/15/19


     SpeedCoach GPS 2 Just Go Files   (Size: 7.5 KB)



     SpeedCoach GPS Model 2 Firmware Installer for OSX   (Size: 2.4 MB)

    Version 2.21 - 10/12/18 Fixes issue where fuel gauge was overestimating remaining battery life in certain units.


     SpeedCoach GPS Model 2 Firmware Installer for Windows   (Size: 2.4 MB)

    Version 2.22 - 10/15/19 Fixes issue where certain Android devices could not pair to Live Stream data with LiNK Logbook.


     SUP 8 Week Training Plan   (Size: 770.9 KB)

    SUP Training Program from Eccentric Motion System / Paddle Power Trainer Mick


    SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Instruction Manuals

     SpeedCoach GPS Model 2 Includes Training Pack Upgrade   (Size: 840.7 KB)

    SpeedCoach GPS Model 2 Includes Training Pack Upgrade, Installation, Basic Operations, Setup Menu, Advanced Setup, Specifications, Menu Navigation, Memory, GPS Function and Accuracy, Workouts, Impeller Calibration, Battery Use and Charging


    SpeedCoach/StrokeCoach Wiring

     SpeedCoach Impeller Only Wiring Installation   (Size: 938.9 KB)

    SpeedCoach Impeller Only Wiring Installation. Applicable to SpeedCoach GPS and OC units.


     SpeedCoach Wiring Installation Instructions   (Size: 1.6 MB)

    SpeedCoach Wiring Installation Instructions including seat sensor. Applicable to SpeedCoach XL, Red and Gold.

Asia Pacific Sports Agency Limited

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